Friday, August 23, 2019

On hundredth congress of the united state of amreica Essay

On hundredth congress of the united state of amreica - Essay Example Costs can be improved through more comprehensive and efficient management. Quality improvement programs need to be customer oriented and management led. This will require companies, agencies in businesses in general to make significant changes to the ways they currently operate. Several examples of competing industrial nations tell us that incorporating private sector style of auditing can be beneficial and a national award for auditing quality can improve productivity. This will push American companies to improve the quality of products as they will be getting the national recognition in auditing. Companies that will improve their quality will serve as examples for others to follow. Specific guidance will be provided to those companies who would wish to be enlisted in the leading companies who have considerably improved the quality of their products. The purpose of this act is to provide for establishment and conduct of a national quality improvement program that will; give awards t o those companies who will practice effective quality management and significantly improve the quality of their products/services, and the information is disseminated about successful strategies and

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