Wednesday, October 30, 2019
MKTG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
MKTG - Essay Example This association is based in the United States but not only does it have members in this country, but it also has members in another forty eight countries and many of these are some of the largest companies and nonprofit organizations in the world. Direct Marketing Associationââ¬â¢s work is not only done at a local level, its marketing campaigns are also done at a regional, national, and international level and this is one of the reasons that this association is one of the most successful of its kind worldwide. The professionalism of its staff enables it to compete effectively against other associations and in fact, it gives it an edge over them. The level of its competitor associations in the marketing business just helps to show the top quality of work that is done at Direct Marketing. This is an association, which any competent organization in the world would aspire to join; this is because it would be a guarantee of its success in the present and the future. Marketing Pilgrim was established as a site where marketing professionals could be able to find jobs that they wanted in marketing companies. This site has over the years since its founding became one of the most popular marketing job boards online. Because it is a leading site in marketing, this is where most companies and other institutions go to when they need to acquire people in marketing and academics in the same field. The Marketing Pilgrim site ensures that its clients stay up to date with the current marketing knowledge, training, and tools, which not only enable them to succeed in their careers, but also helps them obtain information of value and worthwhile connections. This site continuously innovates and develops according to the changes in the marketing scene in the world and it does this for assisting its clients keep up to speed of things so that they do not lose any opportunities if there are any
Monday, October 28, 2019
Teachers Diary Experience In Task Based Education English Language Essay
Teachers Diary Experience In Task Based Education English Language Essay Many areas of education are undergoing changes in the way teaching and learning is perceived. Teacher-centered lecturing and structural-syllabus instruction are giving way to a more student-centered, hands-on, practical, and flexible approaches (Shank and Cleary, 1994). The field of English language teaching is no exception in this paradigm shift. One of the areas, which came under this paradigm shift, is the traditional Present-Practice-Produce method of teaching English. It has been replaced by Communicative Language Teaching. An offshoot of Communicative Language Teaching is Task-Based Teaching. The teacher has been identified to be a learning facilitator. He does this largely through the medium of communication, verbal and non-verbal. The quality and effectiveness of such communication have a lot to do with the amount and quality of learning that takes place. This paper talks about a teachers experience in a mixed/heterogeneous classroom situation. Introduction The classroom, a small social structure, but sometimes large, is a working group of students coming from different socioeconomic background, tribes and cultural affinities, mixing with some friends, some strangers and the indifferent. These differences become complex in pluralistic societies including India. Their common task is learning a given content. It is the teacher who is the enabling agent for these socialization and learning. The teacher is the expert (at most in his field), the leader, the more mature mind and wiser. This is the idea of traditional pedagogy. During instruction in the classroom, it is the intent of the teacher to impact information and knowledge to the students and on many occasions such information and knowledge are designed to change the behavior of the learners. However, before a teacher can change the behavior of his students, he must not only possess adequate knowledge of the subject matter, he must be able to communicate his massage effectively. The teacher must have the ability to persuade his students to accept his ideas and arguments and not to leave them wondering at the end of the lesson whether to accept or reject them. The teacher should be able to use the classroom as a social system that breads atmosphere for meaningful social interactions and conducive learning environment. This brings us to the question, What is Communication? There dare many definitions of communication, as there are experts in the field. Oxford English Dictionary defines communication as the imparting, conveying or exchange of ideas, knowledge etc. (whether by speech, writing or signs). It has also been defined as the process of attempting to share with another person or other persons, ones knowledge, interests, attitudes, opinions and ideas (Ralph, Hance, and Wiksell 1975:4). Farrant (1980) also defined communication as the process of passing an understandable message from one person to another (P. 186). Every language teacher today realizes the importance and the relevance of the student-centered, hands-on, practical and flexible approach (Shank and Cleary, 1994), and the worldwide demand for Communicative Language Teaching, which helps to understand the language in context and to use it effectively in situations outside the classroom. As a result, changes have been taking place in many areas of education. The field of second/foreign language teaching is no exception in this paradigm shift. But for ELT, it has become a challenge to accommodate the changes due to various reasons. The most important factor is that one cannot ignore the practical aspect of every existing education system. This paper deals with students from mixed backgrounds who come under one roof to learn English. This paper deals with teaching methodology undertaken in CELT, O.U, Hyderabad, India, to see how a short term program can benefit students improve their communication skills. As they are mixed background students it became necessary to see how the merits of different language learning frameworks like Communicative Language Learning and Task-Based Learning can be put together to achieve the best result. As Joanne Pettis, quoting Henry Widdowson comments, If you say you are eclectic but cannot state the principles of your eclecticism, you are not eclectic, merely confused. (Pettis, 2003). Roger Dunne from Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico rightly states, In any event, most language teachers are probably influenced more by course books than by manuals and training courses and most popular course books are decidedly eclectic in their approach. It is probably these pragmatic market forces that will determine the future direction of language teaching in many parts of the world rather than a fight to death between academic fundamentalists (Dunne, 2003). This paper was set within the dual framework of Communicative Language Teaching and Task-Based Learning. Theories of language use in context play important roles in Communicative Language Teaching and theories of language learning play important roles in Task-Based Learning. Hence, the merits of both were used. Howatt (1984) distinguishes between the weak and the strong versions of Communicative Language Teaching. The weak version stresses the importance of providing learners with opportunities to use English for communicative purposes and therefore attempts to integrate communicative activities into the programme of language teaching. This is the version followed in most learning contexts, especially in Asian countries. As different from this, the stronger version of communicative language teaching claims that language can be acquired only through communication. This would mean that teaching involves not just activating an existing knowledge of the language, but stimulating the development of the language system itself (Howatt, p. 279). However, whether it is the weak or the strong version, the proponents of Communicative Language Teaching have always viewed learning a second/foreign language as acquiring the linguistic means to perform different functions. Some principles of Communicative Language Teaching include: 1. Language should be a means to an end and the focus should be on meaning, not on the form. 2. The learner has to formulate and produce ideas, information, opinions and so on. 3. Teacher intervention to correct mistakes should be minimal as this distracts from communication. (Richards and Rodgers, 1994) As David Nunan (1989) says, Task based teaching and learning is teaching and learning a language by using language to accomplish open ended tasks. Learners are given a problem or objective to accomplish but are left with some freedom in approaching this problem or objective. A task is defined by David Nunan as, an activity (or technique) where students are urged to accomplish something or solve some problem using their language. Preferably, this activity is open-ended; there is no set way to accomplish their goal (1989). According to Jane Willis, a task is a goal-oriented activity with a clear purpose. Doing a communication task involves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that can be appreciated by others. Tasks can be used as the central component of a three-part framework: pre-task, task cycle, and language focus. These components have been carefully designed to create four optimum conditions for language acquisition, and thus provide rich learning opportunities to suit different types of learners (Willis, 1996). Learners get exposure at the pre-task stage, and an opportunity to recall things they know. The task cycle gives them speaking and writing exposure with opportunities for students to learn from each other. The task cycle also gives students opportunities to use whatever language they have, both in private (where mistakes, hesitations, and approximate renderings do not matter so long as the meaning is clear) and in public (where there is a built-in desire to strive for accuracy of form and meaning, so as not to lose face). Motivation (short term) is provided mainly by the need to achieve the objectives of the task and to report back on it. Success in doing this can increase longer term motivation. Motivation to listen to fluent speakers doing the task is strong too, because in attempting the task, learners will notice gaps in their own language, and will listen carefully to hear how fluent speakers express themselves. A focus on form is beneficial in two phases in the framework. The planning stage between the private task and the public report promotes close attention to language form. As learners strive for accuracy, they try to organize their reports clearly and check words and patterns they are not sure of. In the final component, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through consciousness-raising processes. Learners notice and reflect on language features, recycle the task language, go back over the text or recording and investigate new items, and practice pronouncing useful phrases. Components of a Task Tasks contain some form of input that may be verbal (a dialogue/role play/reading) or, nonverbal (pictures/a gesture) followed by an activity, which is in some way derived from the input. This activity sets out what learners need to do in relation to the input. Tasks have also goals and roles for both teachers and learners. Components of a Task (Nunan: 1989) From the above diagram, a task can be viewed as a piece of meaning focused work, involving learners in comprehending, producing and/or interacting in the target language. Before taking up the task of converting the textual content into various tasks, the following points were noted and kept in mind by the investigators: -The objective of the task must be stated very clearly -The task must be appropriate for the level of the learners -The task must equip the learners with the ability to apply classroom learning in new situations. -Tasks must be interesting and motivating to the students -The form the input takes, must be clear to the teacher -The roles of teachers and students must be specified clearly -Through the task, learners must be encouraged to negotiate meaning -The language that will be generated by the task must be predicted -There should be variety and flexibility in the tasks Few strategies for classroom practice to improve verbal, non-verbal and interpersonal communication Materials needed: Paper and pencil for each participant. I am going to describe a drawing I have made of a bug. Without seeing the drawing, you are to draw the bug that I describe. You may not ask questions or talk to each other. Describe the bug. The bug is round. The bug has eight legs, grouped in pairs with four legs on the left and four legs on the right. In the pairs, one leg is longer than the other. The bug has two eyes on top of the body. The bug has two squiggly antenna. The bug has two pea-pod shaped wings. The bug has a spot next to each wing. The bug has a triangular stinger on the bottom of the body The bug has two feelers on each foot one longer than the other, both coming from the same side of the leg. The bug has a round mouth, placed between the two eyes. The bug laid five square eggs to the left of the stinger. After everyone is finished. Hold up your bug so others in your group can see. Note some of the similarities and differences. Show the drawing to the entire group. Discussion questions: -Why dont all the bugs look like mine? (Interpretation: everyone has a different interpretation, based on his or her experiences.) -What did you think of first when you were told to draw a bug? What did you see in your mind? -What could we have done differently so that your drawings and mine would have looked more alike? -What would have been the advantages of allowing questions to be asked? -How many of you wanted questions to be asked? Adapted from A Kaleidoscope of Leadership, Minnesota Extension Service Words Alone Purpose: To demonstrate how important words are when the person talking and the listener cannot see each other. Materials Needed: Small pieces of paper with one of the following words on each: Procedure: Ask one person from the group to take a paper with one of the words on it and give a verbal description of what is on the paper (no hands allowed). Tell them to concentrate on the careful choice of words, avoiding non-verbal signals. Use descriptive words relating to all five senses (smell, touch, etc). Example: ice cream cold, smooth, soft, fluffy- looking, sweet, flavors. Process Questions: 1. How efficient were words alone in expressing ideas? 2. How did you feel doing this activity? (talker and listener) 3. What does this remind us to do in our own communication? Reference: Internet Conclusion Students showed interest in learning English. The reasons they gave were, classes are full of activities and play. Noted that students started talking in English openly without any apprehensions. They were highly motivated by the tasks and were encouraged to participate in doing the tasks. Though it is time consuming it is quite a rewarding experience as they gain useful insights by working through activities. They improve in their language as well as personality traits like team building, interpersonal relations, adaptability etc. Even with the existing constraints, classroom teaching can be given a communicative orientation, giving enough opportunities to students to use the language creatively. Teaching can be made learner-centered; with more emphasis on the learning process any given text may be re-created into various tasks and activities. Task-based teaching enhances the language proficiency of learners.
Friday, October 25, 2019
JOB DESIGN AND JOB CHARACTERISTICS :: essays research papers
Job design and job characteristics are very interesting topics for discussion. In my opinion the modern route, that of fitting jobs to people, is the best decision a manager can make when designing jobs. It leaves employees more space to experience new challenges and take more responsibility in their job. While reading the Overview of the Job Characteristics Model each of the concepts mentioned brought several examples in my mind. I do not want to cite the concepts from the book, but I will give some examples from my own experience and that of my colleagues. The organisation where I work is undergoing several major changes, such as replacing the IT system, changing the work process and procedures, launching new products in the market, putting all the branches online, etc. This has generally lead to dissatisfaction of employees, since they are working long hours and even weekends and are not being motivated enough. Their salary has not changed and no bonuses are promised. This may lead to inefficiency and absenteeism. People may be less efficient to finish work earlier and even take sick leave from work to be more with their families. Another issue related to the change is that employees are required to learn how to use this new system and procedures in a very short period of time and this has caused increased stress, apart from the fear that this change can bring about understaffing in the near future. People are really trying hard to fit into the new system and rules, but their expectations are not always met. Since I am talking about meeting expectations, I would like to be a little more specific. When I was first interviewed for the job position I currently have, I was told that I would have a salary increase. Yet, after ten months, nothing has changed ââ¬â it still remains a promise. And I have even started thinking about looking for another job, at a time when I didnââ¬â¢t even think about leaving my current job. Unmet expectations can lead to such situations and managers have to be really careful this does not happen, or at least they must try to find a system of prevention. Moreover, people feel they are not treated equally as regards pay and promotions. There are new employees coming in the organisation and they receive higher salaries than the existing employees, who have been working there for years and have much more experience.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-seven
Eddard He was walking through the crypts beneath Winterfell, as he he had walked a thousand times before. The Kings of Winter watched him pass with eyes of ice, and the direwolves at their feet turned their great stone heads and snarled. Last of all, he came to the tomb where his father slept, with Brandon and Lyanna beside him. ââ¬Å"Promise me, Ned,â⬠Lyanna's statue whispered. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyes wept blood. Eddard Stark jerked upright, his heart racing, the blankets tangled around him. The room was black as pitch, and someone was hammering on the door. ââ¬Å"Lord Eddard,â⬠a voice called loudly. ââ¬Å"A moment.â⬠Groggy and naked, he stumbled his way across the darkened chamber. When he opened the door, he found Tomard with an upraised fist, and Cayn with a taper in hand. Between them stood the king's own steward. The man's face might have been carved of stone, so little did it show. ââ¬Å"My lord Hand,â⬠he intoned. ââ¬Å"His Grace the King commands your presence. At once.â⬠So Robert had returned from his hunt. It was long past time. ââ¬Å"I shall need a few moments to dress.â⬠Ned left the man waiting without. Cayn helped him with his clothes; white linen tunic and grey cloak, trousers cut open down his plaster-sheathed leg, his badge of office, and last of all a belt of heavy silver links. He sheathed the Valyrian dagger at his waist. The Red Keep was dark and still as Cayn and Tomard escorted him across the inner bailey. The moon hung low over the walls, ripening toward full. On the ramparts, a guardsman in a gold cloak walked his rounds. The royal apartments were in Maegor's Holdfast, a massive square fortress that nestled in the heart of the Red Keep behind walls twelve feet thick and a dry moat lined with iron spikes, a castle-within-a-castle. Ser Boros Blount guarded the far end of the bridge, white steel armor ghostly in the moonlight. Within, Ned passed two other knights of the Kingsguard; Ser Preston Greenfield stood at the bottom of the steps, and Ser Barristan Selmy waited at the door of the king's bedchamber. Three men in white cloaks, he thought, remembering, and a strange chill went through him. Ser Barristan's face was as pale as his armor. Ned had only to look at him to know that something was dreadfully wrong. The royal steward opened the door. ââ¬Å"Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King,â⬠he announced. ââ¬Å"Bring him here,â⬠Robert's voice called, strangely thick. Fires blazed in the twin hearths at either end of the bedchamber, filling the room with a sullen red glare. The heat within was suffocating. Robert lay across the canopied bed. At the bedside hovered Grand Maester Pycelle, while Lord Renly paced restlessly before the shuttered windows. Servants moved back and forth, feeding logs to the fire and boiling wine. Cersei Lannister sat on the edge of the bed beside her husband. Her hair was tousled, as if from sleep, but there was nothing sleepy in her eyes. They followed Ned as Tomard and Cayn helped him cross the room. He seemed to move very slowly, as if he were still dreaming. The king still wore his boots. Ned could see dried mud and blades of grass clinging to the leather where Robert's feet stuck out beneath the blanket that covered him, A green doublet lay on the floor, slashed open and discarded, the cloth crusted with red-brown stains. The room smelled of smoke and blood and death. ââ¬Å"Ned,â⬠the king whispered when he saw him. His face was pale as milk. ââ¬Å"Come . . . closer.â⬠His men brought him close. Ned steadied himself with a hand on the bedpost. He had only to look down at Robert to know how bad it was. ââ¬Å"What . . . ?â⬠he began, his throat clenched. ââ¬Å"A boar.â⬠Lord Renly was still in his hunting greens, his cloak spattered with blood. ââ¬Å"A devil,â⬠the king husked. ââ¬Å"My own fault. Too much wine, damn me to hell. Missed my thrust.â⬠ââ¬Å"And where were the rest of you?â⬠Ned demanded of Lord Renly. ââ¬Å"Where was Ser Barristan and the Kingsguard?â⬠Renly's mouth twitched. ââ¬Å"My brother commanded us to stand aside and let him take the boar alone.â⬠Eddard Stark lifted the blanket. They had done what they could to close him up, but it was nowhere near enough. The boar must have been a fearsome thing. It had ripped the king from groin to nipple with its tusks. The wine-soaked bandages that Grand Maester Pycelle had applied were already black with blood, and the smell off the wound was hideous. Ned's stomach turned. He let the blanket fall. ââ¬Å"Stinks,â⬠Robert said. ââ¬Å"The stink of death, don't think I can't smell it. Bastard did me good, eh? But I . . . I paid him back in kind, Ned.â⬠The king's smile was as terrible as his wound, his teeth red. ââ¬Å"Drove a knife right through his eye. Ask them if I didn't. Ask them.â⬠ââ¬Å"Truly,â⬠Lord Renly murmured. ââ¬Å"We brought the carcass back with us, at my brother's command.â⬠ââ¬Å"For the feast,â⬠Robert whispered. ââ¬Å"Now leave us. The lot of you. I need to speak with Ned.â⬠ââ¬Å"Robert, my sweet lord . . . â⬠Cersei began. ââ¬Å"I said leave,â⬠Robert insisted with a hint of his old fierceness. ââ¬Å"What part of that don't you understand, woman?â⬠Cersei gathered up her skirts and her dignity and led the way to the door. Lord Renly and the others followed. Grand Maester Pycelle lingered, his hands shaking as he offered the king a cup of thick white liquid. ââ¬Å"The milk of the poppy, Your Grace,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Drink. For your pain.â⬠Robert knocked the cup away with the back of his hand. ââ¬Å"Away with you. I'll sleep soon enough, old fool. Get out.â⬠Grand Maester Pycelle gave Ned a stricken look as he shuffled from the room. ââ¬Å"Damn you, Robert,â⬠Ned said when they were alone. His leg was throbbing so badly he was almost blind with pain. Or perhaps it was grief that fogged his eyes. He lowered himself to the bed, beside his friend. ââ¬Å"Why do you always have to be so headstrong?â⬠ââ¬Å"Ah, fuck you, Ned,â⬠the king said hoarsely. ââ¬Å"I killed the bastard, didn't I?â⬠A lock of matted black hair fell across his eyes as he glared up at Ned. ââ¬Å"Ought to do the same for you. Can't leave a man to hunt in peace. Ser Robar found me. Gregor's head. Ugly thought. Never told the Hound. Let Cersei surprise him.â⬠His laugh turned into a grunt as a spasm of pain hit him. ââ¬Å"Gods have mercy,â⬠he muttered, swallowing his agony. ââ¬Å"The girl. Daenerys. Only a child, you were right . . . that's why, the girl . . . the gods sent the boar . . . sent to punish me . . .â⬠The king coughed, bringing up blood. ââ¬Å"Wrong, it was wrong, I . . . only a girl . . . Varys, Littlefinger, even my brother . . . worthless . . . no one to tell me no but you, Ned . . . only you . . . â⬠He lifted his hand, the gesture pained and feeble. ââ¬Å"Paper and ink. There, on the table. Write what I tell you.â⬠Ned smoothed the paper out across his knee and took up the quill. ââ¬Å"At your command, Your Grace.â⬠ââ¬Å"This is the will and word of Robert of House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and all the restââ¬âput in the damn titles, you know how it goes. I do hereby command Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King, to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm upon my . . . upon my death . . . to rule in my . . . in my stead, until my son Joffrey does come of age . . . ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Robert . . . â⬠Joffrey is not your son, he wanted to say, but the words would not come. The agony was written too plainly across Robert's face; he could not hurt him more. So Ned bent his head and wrote, but where the king had said ââ¬Å"my son Joffrey,â⬠he scrawled ââ¬Å"my heirâ⬠instead. The deceit made him feel soiled. The lies we tell for love, he thought. May the gods forgive me. ââ¬Å"What else would you have me say?â⬠ââ¬Å"Say . . . whatever you need to. Protect and defend, gods old and new, you have the words. Write. I'll sign it. You give it to the council when I'm dead.â⬠ââ¬Å"Robert,â⬠Ned said in a voice thick with grief, ââ¬Å"you must not do this. Don't die on me. The realm needs you.â⬠Robert took his hand, fingers squeezing hard. ââ¬Å"You are . . . such a bad liar, Ned Stark,â⬠he said through his pain. ââ¬Å"The realm . . . the realm knows . . . what a wretched king I've been. Bad as Aerys, the gods spare me.â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠Ned told his dying friend, ââ¬Å"not so bad as Aerys, Your Grace. Not near so bad as Aerys.â⬠Robert managed a weak red smile. ââ¬Å"At the least, they will say . . . this last thing . . . this I did right. You won't fail me. You'll rule now. You'll hate it, worse than I did . . . but you'll do well. Are you done with the scribbling?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, Your Grace.â⬠Ned offered Robert the paper. The king scrawled his signature blindly, leaving a smear of blood across the letter. ââ¬Å"The seal should be witnessed.â⬠ââ¬Å"Serve the boar at my funeral feast,â⬠Robert rasped. ââ¬Å"Apple in its mouth, skin seared crisp. Eat the bastard. Don't care if you choke on him. Promise me, Ned.â⬠ââ¬Å"I promise.â⬠Promise me, Ned, Lyanna's voice echoed. ââ¬Å"The girl,â⬠the king said. ââ¬Å"Daenerys. Let her live. If you can, if it . . . not too late . . . talk to them . . . Varys, Littlefinger . . . don't let them kill her. And help my son, Ned. Make him be . . . better than me.â⬠He winced. ââ¬Å"Gods have mercy.â⬠ââ¬Å"They will, my friend,â⬠Ned said. ââ¬Å"They will.â⬠The king closed his eyes and seemed to relax. ââ¬Å"Killed by a pig,â⬠he muttered. ââ¬Å"Ought to laugh, but it hurts too much.â⬠Ned was not laughing. ââ¬Å"Shall I call them back?â⬠Robert gave a weak nod. ââ¬Å"As you will. Gods, why is it so cold in here?â⬠The servants rushed back in and hurried to feed the fires. The queen had gone; that was some small relief, at least. If she had any sense, Cersei would take her children and fly before the break of day, Ned thought. She had lingered too long already. King Robert did not seem to miss her. He bid his brother Renly and Grand Maester Pycelle to stand in witness as he pressed his seal into the hot yellow wax that Ned had dripped upon his letter. ââ¬Å"Now give me something for the pain and let me die.â⬠Hurriedly Grand Maester Pycelle mixed him another draught of the milk of the poppy. This time the king drank deeply. His black beard was beaded with thick white droplets when he threw the empty cup aside. ââ¬Å"Will I dream?â⬠Ned gave him his answer. ââ¬Å"You will, my lord.â⬠ââ¬Å"Good,â⬠he said, smiling. ââ¬Å"I will give Lyanna your love, Ned. Take care of my children for me.â⬠The words twisted in Ned's belly like a knife. For a moment he was at a loss. He could not bring himself to lie. Then he remembered the bastards: little Barra at her mother's breast, Mya in the Vale, Gendry at his forge, and all the others. ââ¬Å"I shall . . . guard your children as if they were my own,â⬠he said slowly. Robert nodded and closed his eyes. Ned watched his old friend sag softly into the pillows as the milk of the poppy washed the pain from his face. Sleep took him. Heavy chains jangled softly as Grand Maester Pycelle came up to Ned. ââ¬Å"I will do all in my power, my lord, but the wound has mortified. It took them two days to get him back. By the time I saw him, it was too late. I can lessen His Grace's suffering, but only the gods can heal him now.â⬠ââ¬Å"How long?â⬠Ned asked. ââ¬Å"By rights, he should be dead already. I have never seen a man cling to life so fiercely.â⬠ââ¬Å"My brother was always strong,â⬠Lord Renly said. ââ¬Å"Not wise, perhaps, but strong.â⬠In the sweltering heat of the bedchamber, his brow was slick with sweat. He might have been Robert's ghost as he stood there, young and dark and handsome. ââ¬Å"He slew the boar. His entrails were sliding from his belly, yet somehow he slew the boar.â⬠His voice was full of wonder. ââ¬Å"Robert was never a man to leave the battleground so long as a foe remained standing,â⬠Ned told him. Outside the door, Ser Barristan Selmy still guarded the tower stairs. ââ¬Å"Maester Pycelle has given Robert the milk of the poppy,â⬠Ned told him. ââ¬Å"See that no one disturbs his rest without leave from me.â⬠ââ¬Å"It shall be as you command, my lord.â⬠Ser Barristan seemed old beyond his years. ââ¬Å"I have failed my sacred trust.â⬠ââ¬Å"Even the truest knight cannot protect a king against himself,â⬠Ned said. ââ¬Å"Robert loved to hunt boar. I have seen him take a thousand of them.â⬠He would stand his ground without flinching, his legs braced, the great spear in his hands, and as often as not he would curse the boar as it charged, and wait until the last possible second, until it was almost on him, before he killed it with a single sure and savage thrust. ââ¬Å"No one could know this one would be his death.â⬠ââ¬Å"You are kind to say so, Lord Eddard.â⬠ââ¬Å"The king himself said as much. He blamed the wine.â⬠The white-haired knight gave a weary nod. ââ¬Å"His Grace was reeling in his saddle by the time we flushed the boar from his lair, yet he commanded us all to stand aside.â⬠ââ¬Å"I wonder, Ser Barristan,â⬠asked Varys, so quietly, ââ¬Å"who gave the king this wine?â⬠Ned had not heard the eunuch approach, but when he looked around, there he stood. He wore a black velvet robe that brushed the floor, and his face was freshly powdered. ââ¬Å"The wine was from the king's own skin,â⬠Ser Barristan said. ââ¬Å"Only one skin? Hunting is such thirsty work.â⬠ââ¬Å"I did not keep count. More than one, for a certainty. His squire would fetch him a fresh skin whenever he required it.â⬠ââ¬Å"Such a dutiful boy,â⬠said Varys, ââ¬Å"to make certain His Grace did not lack for refreshment.â⬠Ned had a bitter taste in his mouth. He recalled the two fair-haired boys Robert had sent chasing after a breastplate stretcher. The king had told everyone the tale that night at the feast, laughing until he shook. ââ¬Å"Which squire?â⬠ââ¬Å"The elder,â⬠said Ser Barristan. ââ¬Å"Lancel.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know the lad well,â⬠said Varys. ââ¬Å"A stalwart boy, Ser Kevan Lannister's son, nephew to Lord Tywin and cousin to the queen. I hope the dear sweet lad does not blame himself. Children are so vulnerable in the innocence of their youth, how well do I remember.â⬠Certainly Varys had once been young. Ned doubted that he had ever been innocent. ââ¬Å"You mention children. Robert had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen. Whatever arrangements you made, I want unmade. At once.â⬠ââ¬Å"Alas,â⬠said Varys. ââ¬Å"At once may be too late. I fear those birds have flown. But I shall do what I can, my lord. With your leave.â⬠He bowed and vanished down the steps, his soft-soled slippers whispering against the stone as he made his descent. Cayn and Tomard were helping Ned across the bridge when Lord Renly emerged from Maegor's Holdfast. ââ¬Å"Lord Eddard,â⬠he called after Ned, ââ¬Å"a moment, if you would be so kind.â⬠Ned stopped. ââ¬Å"As you wish.â⬠Renly walked to his side. ââ¬Å"Send your men away.â⬠They met in the center of the bridge, the dry moat beneath them. Moonlight silvered the cruel edges of the spikes that lined its bed. Ned gestured. Tomard and Cayn bowed their heads and backed away respectfully. Lord Renly glanced warily at Ser Boros on the far end of the span, at Ser Preston in the doorway behind them. ââ¬Å"That letter.â⬠He leaned close. ââ¬Å"Was it the regency? Has my brother named you Protector?â⬠He did not wait for a reply. ââ¬Å"My lord, I have thirty men in my personal guard, and other friends beside, knights and lords. Give me an hour, and I can put a hundred swords in your hand.â⬠ââ¬Å"And what should I do with a hundred swords, my lord?â⬠ââ¬Å"Strike! Now, while the castle sleeps.â⬠Renly looked back at Ser Boros again and dropped his voice to an urgent whisper. ââ¬Å"We must get Joffrey away from his mother and take him in hand. Protector or no, the man who holds the king holds the kingdom. We should seize Myrcella and Tommen as well. Once we have her children, Cersei will not dare oppose us. The council will confirm you as Lord Protector and make Joffrey your ward.â⬠Ned regarded him coldly. ââ¬Å"Robert is not dead yet. The gods may spare him. If not, I shall convene the council to hear his final words and consider the matter of the succession, but I will not dishonor his last hours on earth by shedding blood in his halls and dragging frightened children from their beds.â⬠Lord Renly took a step back, taut as a bowstring. ââ¬Å"Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare. By the time Robert dies, it may be too late . . . for both of us.â⬠ââ¬Å"Then we should pray that Robert does not die.â⬠ââ¬Å"Small chance of that,â⬠said Renly. ââ¬Å"Sometimes the gods are merciful.â⬠ââ¬Å"The Lannisters are not.â⬠Lord Renly turned away and went back across the moat, to the tower where his brother lay dying. By the time Ned returned to his chambers, he felt weary and heartsick, yet there was no question of his going back to sleep, not now. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, Cersei Lannister had told him in the godswood. He found himself wondering if he had done the right thing by refusing Lord Renly's offer. He had no taste for these intrigues, and there was no honor in threatening children, and yet . . . if Cersei elected to fight rather than flee, he might well have need of Renly's hundred swords, and more besides. ââ¬Å"I want Littlefinger,â⬠he told Cayn. ââ¬Å"If he's not in his chambers, take as many men as you need and search every winesink and whorehouse in King's Landing until you find him. Bring him to me before break of day.â⬠Cayn bowed and took his leave, and Ned turned to Tomard. ââ¬Å"The Wind Witch sails on the evening tide. Have you chosen the escort?â⬠ââ¬Å"Ten men, with Porther in command.â⬠ââ¬Å"Twenty, and you will command,â⬠Ned said. Porther was a brave man, but headstrong. He wanted someone more solid and sensible to keep watch over his daughters. ââ¬Å"As you wish, m'lord,â⬠Tom said. ââ¬Å"Can't say I'll be sad to see the back of this place. I miss the wife.â⬠ââ¬Å"You will pass near Dragonstone when you turn north. I need you to deliver a letter for me.â⬠Tom looked apprehensive. ââ¬Å"To Dragonstone, m'lord?â⬠The island fortress of House Targaryen had a sinister repute. ââ¬Å"Tell Captain Qos to hoist my banner as soon as he comes in sight of the island. They may be wary of unexpected visitors. If he is reluctant, offer him whatever it takes. I will give you a letter to place into the hand of Lord Stannis Baratheon. No one else. Not his steward, nor the captain of his guard, nor his lady wife, but only Lord Stannis himself.â⬠ââ¬Å"As you command, m'lord.â⬠When Tomard had left him, Lord Eddard Stark sat staring at the flame of the candle that burned beside him on the table. For a moment his grief overwhelmed him. He wanted nothing so much as to seek out the godswood, to kneel before the heart tree and pray for the life of Robert Baratheon, who had been more than a brother to him. Men would whisper afterward that Eddard Stark had betrayed his king's friendship and disinherited his sons; he could only hope that the gods would know better, and that Robert would learn the truth of it in the land beyond the grave. Ned took out the king's last letter. A roll of crisp white parchment sealed with golden wax, a few short words and a smear of blood. How small the difference between victory and defeat, between life and death. He drew out a fresh sheet of paper and dipped his quill in the inkpot. To His Grace, Stannis of the House Baratheon, he wrote. By the time you receive this letter, your brother Robert, our King these past fifteen years, will be dead. He was savaged by a boar whilst hunting in the kingswood . . . The letters seemed to writhe and twist on the paper as his hand trailed to a stop. Lord Tywin and Ser Jaime were not men to suffer disgrace meekly; they would fight rather than flee. No doubt Lord Stannis was wary, after the murder of Jon Arryn, but it was imperative that he sail for King's Landing at once with all his power, before the Lannisters could march. Ned chose each word with care. When he was done, he signed the letter Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, and Protector of the Realm, blotted the paper, folded it twice, and melted the sealing wax over the candle flame. His regency would be a short one, he reflected as the wax softened. The new king would choose his own Hand. Ned would be free to go home. The thought of Winterfell brought a wan smile to his face. He wanted to hear Bran's laughter once more, to go hawking with Robb, to watch Rickon at play. He wanted to drift off to a dreamless sleep in his own bed with his arms wrapped tight around his lady, Catelyn. Cayn returned as he was pressing the direwolf seal down into the soft white wax. Desmond was with him, and between them Littlefinger. Ned thanked his guards and sent them away. Lord Petyr was clad in a blue velvet tunic with puffed sleeves, his silvery cape patterned with mockingbirds. ââ¬Å"I suppose congratulations are in order,â⬠he said as he seated himself. Ned scowled. ââ¬Å"The king lies wounded and near to death.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know,â⬠Littlefinger said. ââ¬Å"I also know that Robert has named you Protector of the Realm.â⬠Ned's eyes flicked to the king's letter on the table beside him, its seal unbroken. ââ¬Å"And how is it you know that, my lord?â⬠ââ¬Å"Varys hinted as much,â⬠Littlefinger said, ââ¬Å"and you have just confirmed it.â⬠Ned's mouth twisted in anger. ââ¬Å"Damn Varys and his little birds. Catelyn spoke truly, the man has some black art. I do not trust him.â⬠ââ¬Å"Excellent. You're learning.â⬠Littlefinger leaned forward. ââ¬Å"Yet I'll wager you did not drag me here in the black of night to discuss the eunuch.â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠Ned admitted. ââ¬Å"I know the secret Jon Arryn was murdered to protect. Robert will leave no trueborn son behind him. Joffrey and Tommen are Jaime Lannister's bastards, born of his incestuous union with the queen.â⬠Littlefinger lifted an eyebrow. ââ¬Å"Shocking,â⬠he said in a tone that suggested he was not shocked at all. ââ¬Å"The girl as well? No doubt. So when the king dies . . . ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"The throne by rights passes to Lord Stannis, the elder of Robert's two brothers.â⬠Lord Petyr stroked his pointed beard as he considered the matter. ââ¬Å"So it would seem. Unless . . . ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Unless, my lord? There is no seeming to this. Stannis is the heir. Nothing can change that.â⬠ââ¬Å"Stannis cannot take the throne without your help. If you're wise, you'll make certain Joffrey succeeds.â⬠Ned gave him a stony stare. ââ¬Å"Have you no shred of honor?â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh, a shred, surely,â⬠Littlefinger replied negligently. ââ¬Å"Hear me out. Stannis is no friend of yours, nor of mine. Even his brothers can scarcely stomach him. The man is iron, hard and unyielding. He'll give us a new Hand and a new council, for a certainty. No doubt he'll thank you for handing him the crown, but he won't love you for it. And his ascent will mean war. Stannis cannot rest easy on the throne until Cersei and her bastards are dead. Do you think Lord Tywin will sit idly while his daughter's head is measured for a spike? Casterly Rock will rise, and not alone. Robert found it in him to pardon men who served King Aerys, so long as they did him fealty. Stannis is less forgiving. He will not have forgotten the siege of Storm's End, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dare not. Every man who fought beneath the dragon banner or rose with Balon Greyjoy will have good cause to fear. Seat Stannis on the Iron Throne and I promise you, the realm will bleed. ââ¬Å"Now look at the other side of the coin. Joffrey is but twelve, and Robert gave you the regency, my lord. You are the Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm. The power is yours, Lord Stark. All you need do is reach out and take it. Make your peace with the Lannisters. Release the Imp. Wed Joffrey to your Sansa. Wed your younger girl to Prince Tommen, and your heir to Myrcella. It will be four years before Joffrey comes of age. By then he will look to you as a second father, and if not, well . . . four years is a good long while, my lord. Long enough to dispose of Lord Stannis. Then, should Joffrey prove troublesome, we can reveal his little secret and put Lord Renly on the throne.â⬠ââ¬Å"We?â⬠Ned repeated. Littlefinger gave a shrug. ââ¬Å"You'll need someone to share your burdens. I assure you, my price would be modest.â⬠ââ¬Å"Your price.â⬠Ned's voice was ice. ââ¬Å"Lord Baelish, what you suggest is treason.â⬠ââ¬Å"Only if we lose.â⬠ââ¬Å"You forget,â⬠Ned told him. ââ¬Å"You forget Jon Arryn. You forget Jory Cassel. And you forget this.â⬠He drew the dagger and laid it on the table between them; a length of dragonbone and Valyrian steel, as sharp as the difference between right and wrong, between true and false, between life and death. ââ¬Å"They sent a man to cut my son's throat, Lord Baelish.â⬠Littlefinger sighed. ââ¬Å"I fear I did forget, my lord. Pray forgive me. For a moment I did not remember that I was talking to a Stark.â⬠His mouth quirked. ââ¬Å"So it will be Stannis, and war?â⬠ââ¬Å"It is not a choice. Stannis is the heir.â⬠ââ¬Å"Far be it from me to dispute the Lord Protector. What would you have of me, then? Not my wisdom, for a certainty.â⬠ââ¬Å"I shall do my best to forget your . . . wisdom,â⬠Ned said with distaste. ââ¬Å"I called you here to ask for the help you promised Catelyn. This is a perilous hour for all of us. Robert has named me Protector, true enough, but in the eyes of the world, Joffrey is still his son and heir. The queen has a dozen knights and a hundred men-at-arms who will do whatever she commands . . . enough to overwhelm what remains of my own household guard. And for all I know, her brother Jaime may be riding for King's Landing even as we speak, with a Lannister host at his back.â⬠ââ¬Å"And you without an army.â⬠Littlefinger toyed with the dagger on the table, turning it slowly with a finger. ââ¬Å"There is small love lost between Lord Renly and the Lannisters. Bronze Yohn Royce, Ser Balon Swann, Ser Loras, Lady Tanda, the Redwyne twins . . . each of them has a retinue of knights and sworn swords here at court.â⬠ââ¬Å"Renly has thirty men in his personal guard, the rest even fewer. It is not enough, even if I could be certain that all of them will choose to give me their allegiance. I must have the gold cloaks. The City Watch is two thousand strong, sworn to defend the castle, the city, and the king's peace.â⬠ââ¬Å"Ah, but when the queen proclaims one king and the Hand another, whose peace do they protect?â⬠Lord Petyr flicked at the dagger with his finger, setting it spinning in place. Round and round it went, wobbling as it turned. When at last it slowed to a stop, the blade pointed at Littlefinger. ââ¬Å"Why, there's your answer,â⬠he said, smiling. ââ¬Å"They follow the man who pays them.â⬠He leaned back and looked Ned full in the face, his grey-green eyes bright with mockery. ââ¬Å"You wear your honor like a suit of armor, Stark. You think it keeps you safe, but all it does is weigh you down and make it hard for you to move. Look at you now. You know why you summoned me here. You know what you want to ask me to do. You know it has to be done . . . but it's not honorable, so the words stick in your throat.â⬠Ned's neck was rigid with tension. For a moment he was so angry that he did not trust himself to speak. Littlefinger laughed. ââ¬Å"I ought to make you say it, but that would be cruel . . . so have no fear, my good lord. For the sake of the love I bear for Catelyn, I will go to Janos Slynt this very hour and make certain that the City Watch is yours. Six thousand gold pieces should do it. A third for the Commander, a third for the officers, a third for the men. We might be able to buy them for half that much, but I prefer not to take chances.â⬠Smiling, he plucked up the dagger and offered it to Ned, hilt first.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Professional Ethics
Running head: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Professional Ethics Donna Noha University of Phoenix Professional Ethics We as nurses are accountable for our ethical conduct. So what are ethics? How are ethics different from our morals? In this paper, I will define what ethics are, describe the significance of professional ethics to nursing practice, summarize the purpose and the contexts of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics, and finally discuss two the provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics. So are morals different from ethics? Morals and ethics are similar. Morals are an individualââ¬â¢s belief or personal standard of what is right and wrong, whether it is someoneââ¬â¢s conduct, attitude, or character. Ethics can be referred to as beliefs, standards, or morals of a specific group, such as nurses (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006). Nursing practice has its own professional ethics. The nursing codes of ethics are formal statements of standards for professional conduct and inform the public of its commitment. What do nurses do with this Code of Ethics? Nurses have more of a moral responsibility due to having knowledge in a specialized area to help other people. Duties of a nurse are to protect and maximize the patientââ¬â¢s well-being, even if we are not working. For example, if there is car accident that a nurse witnesses and there are injured people, that nurse has the responsibility to take act within her nursing skills to help the injured. The significance of ethics in nursing practice is very important. Nurses have to think of the clientââ¬â¢s health, well being, and their morals instead of only of their own. The ANA created the Scope and Standard of Practice, which include the Nurse Code of ethics. But what does that Code of Ethics entail? The ANA Code of Ethics was designed so that every nurse must act and think certain ways ensuring that the patientââ¬â¢s rights are protected as well as the nurseââ¬â¢s rights are protected. The Code of Ethics provides rules and standard for nurses to maintain and elicit ethical behavior that is expected when practicing nursing in any health care settings. The Code also gives guidance for decision making that concerns ethical issues. ( Hooks & White, 2003) The Code of Ethics consists of nine provisions. The first three provisions deal with fundamental values and responsibilities that the nurse assumes. The next three involve the nurseââ¬â¢s duties to oneself, accountability, and improvement. The last three discuss the nurseââ¬â¢s responsibility of professional advancement, collaboration, and the overall concern of human rights (Hooks & White, 2003). Provision two and three of the Code of Ethics for Nurses states ââ¬Å"the nurseââ¬â¢s primary commitment is the patientâ⬠and ââ¬Å"the nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient. (Blais, Hayes, Kozier, & Erb, 2006)â⬠These two provisions fit well together. The main concern is of the patientââ¬â¢s well being and best interest. This means that the patient is number one priority for the nurse. The nurse will be that patientââ¬â¢s advocate and speak on his/her behalf and informs the patient of treatment. For example, when performing minor procedures in my clinic, it is my responsibility to ensure that the patient signs the consent form stating that he/she knows why the procedure is being done, risks and benefits of both the procedure being done or not, and that they have a right to refuse treatment. A lot of the times, the provider doesnââ¬â¢t explain everything, so it is my ethical responsibility to ask questions for the patient so they understand everything. These provisions have ethical principles of nursing practice that apply to each of the nine provisions. Key ethical principles used in provision two and three include autonomy because the nurse respects the patientââ¬â¢s decisions. Nonmaleficence and beneficence is also key principles in these provisions. These two are basic principles of nursing practice. The nurse will have the patientââ¬â¢s best interest in mind and will do no harm to the patient. In conclusion, I have discussed what professional ethics are and how they are based on morals and the significance in nursing practice. I also discussed that the purpose of the ANA Code of Ethics is to serve as a standard of practice and that in contains nine provisions. Of those nine, I discussed provision two and three with key principles for those. References Blais, K. , Hayes, J. , Kozier, B. , & Erb, G. (2006). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Hooks, K. G. & White, G. B. (2003). ANA's code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements independent study module. American Nurses Association. Retrieved June 1, 2009, from http://www. nursingworld. org/mods/mod580/cecdetoc. htm
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Communication Climate Essays - Communication Theory, Free Essays
Communication Climate Essays - Communication Theory, Free Essays Communication Climate I have found that the communication climate at the company I have worked for the last seven years is a combination of bureaucratic, human and system theories. As the company sets the control by establishing rationale rules that regulate the entire organization, written documents like organizational charts, corporate manuals, operating instructions, job descriptions and so on, establish the law of the land virtually for all organizational activities. This makes bureaucratic theory the most visible structure of communication, since it goes downward, the instruction comes from management and most of the time the respond is by providing a report or chart that indicates the direction or result desire for the specific task. When most of the communication is vertical, there is horizontal communication activity in the organization, must of this taken place between groups that depends from one another and from employees which design and plan the different task in which the groups are currently working. All of this communication is needed since projects are accomplished by different groups, and meetings and working sessions are required to direct the ideas toward the same outcome desired. This horizontal communication is the closest we get to human relations theory. As for the system theory is also put in play because many of these groups are form in the base of resources, abilities, personalities and needs of the group members, in order to make more practical and efficient the results to accomplish the task in hand. I see myself as a member of the team looking for the best way to relate and communicate with my fellow coworkers, understanding that organizational communication differs from person to person. I am looking to learn, how to relate and absorb the messages that people in general send to me. I want and need to move forward, and I have understand that communication in all its different ways is the key to my development socially and professionally. The fact that English has been a second language to me for the last 15 years, it is very important to rich a label in which I feel confident in my working environment in which I perform in a daily basis.It has being difficult to accomplish a second grammar structure and a second pronunciation, very much different from my main language, this is the reason for this course, and also the fact of coming back to school has become a matter of self-motivation and closure.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Film Analysis - Gattaca essays
Film Analysis - Gattaca essays Gattaca is a film about conquering the human gene via genetic manipulation and how this technology cannot eradicate the problems of human nature. This assumes that to manipulate human genetics is justifiable and that human nature is a flaw. This film is about human nature triumphing over a society in which perfect DNA is the only measure of success. There are many examples of scientific advances in Gattaca. The main advance is genetic engineering and the ability to extract potential diseases of faults from a persons DNA, and the ability to conduct DNA testing within seconds rather than the weeks that it currently takes. Other advances include using solar power as the main energy source, electric cars and regular, frequent space travel. Science has been able to eliminate physical imperfections but even the strict and harsh environment of Gattaca cannot remove or limit human emotions and frailties. This film shows that while technology can eradicate many physical imperfections it is actually Gattaca itself which forces people to resort to flawed behavior. The first scene in which we see Gattaca we see expressionless, robotic workers, uniform in manner and dress. Although there is no dialogue here we are aware the Gattaca is a sterile and emotionless environment, no body talks to anybody else and there is no social interaction. Irenes comment, Can you please make sure that I dont lose my place is indicative of the extreme competitiveness of this society. Another example is the scene where we see the fitness training. Irene is dismissed summarily You can go back to your work now Irene when she does not perform well physically. The director's comments maybe there should be a new measuring stick and No-one exceeds their potential are symptomatic of Gattaca society - only the best is acceptable. Vincent is an example of human nature triumphing over t...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Sarah Parker Remond, African American Abolitionist
Sarah Parker Remond, African American Abolitionist Known for: African American abolitionist, womenââ¬â¢s rights advocate Dates: June 6, 1826 ââ¬â December 13, 1894 About Sarah Parker Remond Sarah Parker Remond was born in 1826 in Salem, Massachusetts.à Her maternal grandfather, Cornelius Lenox, fought in the American Revolution. Sarah Remondââ¬â¢s mother, Nancy Lenox Remond, was a baker who married John Remond.à John was a Curaà §aon immigrant and hairdresser who became a citizen of the United States in 1811, and he became active in the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in the 1830s.à Nancy and John Remond had at least eight children. Family Activism Sarah Remond had six sisters. Her older brother, Charles Lenox Remond, became an antislavery lecturer, and influenced Nancy, Caroline and Sarah, among the sisters, to become active in anti-slavery work.à They belonged to the Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society, founded by black women including Sarahââ¬â¢s mother in 1832. The Society hosted prominent abolitionist speakers, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Williams. The Remond children attended public schools in Salem, and experienced discrimination because of their color.à Sarah was refused admission to Salemââ¬â¢s high school. The family moved to Newport, Rhode Island, where the daughters attended a private school for African American children. In 1841, the family returned to Salem. Sarahââ¬â¢s much-older brother Charles attended the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London with others including William Lloyd Garrison, and was among the American delegates who sat in the gallery to protest the refusal of the convention to seat women delegates including Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.à Charles lectured in England and Ireland, and in 1842, when Sarah was sixteen, she lectured with her brother in Groton, Massachusetts. Sarahs Activism When Sarah attended a performance of the opera Don Pasquale at the Howard Athenaeum in Boston in 1853 with some friends, they refused to leave a section reserved for whites only.à A policeman came to eject her, and she fell down some stairs.à She then sued in a civil suit, winning five hundred dollars and an end to segregated seating at the hall. Sarah Remond met Charlotte Forten in 1854 when Charlotteââ¬â¢s family sent her to Salem where the schools had become integrated. In 1856, Sarah was thirty, and was appointed an agent touring New York to lecture on behalf of the American Anti-Slavery Society with Charles Remond, Abby Kelley and her husband Stephen Foster, Wendell Phillips, Aaron Powell, and Susan B. Anthony. Living in England In 1859 she was in Liverpool, England, lecturing in Scotland, England and Ireland for two years.à Her lectures were quite popular. She included in her lectures references to the sexual oppression of women who were enslaved, and how such behavior was in the economic interest of the enslavers. She visited William and Ellen Craft while in London. When she tried to get a visa from the American legate to visit France, he claimed that under the Dred Scott decision, she was not a citizen and thus he could not grant her a visa. The next year, she enrolled in college in London, continuing her lectures during school holidays. She remained in England during the American Civil War, participating in efforts to persuade the British not to support the Confederacy.à Great Britain was officially neutral, but many feared that their connection to the cotton trade would mean theyââ¬â¢d support the Confederate insurrection. She supported the blockade that the United States put up to prevent goods reaching or leaving the rebelling states. She became active in the Ladiesââ¬â¢ London Emancipation Society. At the end of the war, she raised funds in Great Britain to support the Freedmanââ¬â¢s Aid Association in the United States. As the Civil War was ending, Great Britain faced a rebellion in Jamaica, and Remond wrote in opposition to British harsh measures to end the rebellion, and accused the British of acting like the United States. Return to the United States Remond returned to the United States, where she joined with the American Equal Rights Association to work for equal suffrage for women and African Americans. Europe and Her Later Life She returned to England in 1867, and from there traveled to Switzerland and then moved to Florence, Italy.à Not much is known of her life in Italy.à She married in 1877; her husband was Lorenzo Pintor, an Italian man, but the marriage apparently did not last long. She may have studied medicine. Frederick Douglass refers to a visit with the Remonds, probably including Sarah and two of her sisters, Caroline and Maritche, who also moved to Italy in 1885.à She died in Rome in 1894 and was buried there in the Protestant cemetery.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Hypothesis Testing & Variance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hypothesis Testing & Variance - Research Paper Example T test was conducted to determine if there is a difference in the intrinsic satisfaction of male and female employees. Table 1 shows that the p value is 0.40 which is greater than alpha. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that female employees have a higher intrinsic job satisfaction than male employees. Specifically, there is no significant difference in the intrinsic job satisfaction of males (Mean=5.14, Variance=0.61) and females (Mean=5.31, Variance=0.21), t = - 0.86, n. s. This information shows that males and females have the same intrinsic satisfaction. Therefore, managers may not need to favor one worker over the other based on their gender because internal motivation and satisfaction is just the same for both males and females. T test was conducted to determine if there is a difference in the extrinsic satisfaction of hourly and salaried employees. Table 2 shows that the p value is 0.61 which is greater than alpha. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that salaried employees have a higher intrinsic job satisfaction than hourly employees. Specifically, there is no significant difference in the extrinsic job satisfaction of hourly (Mean=5.38, Variance=0.18) and salaried employees (Mean=5.48, Variance=0.36), t = - 0.52, n. s. Results of this investigation show that an employeeââ¬â¢s position does not affect his or her extrinsic job satisfaction. Thus, managers do not need to hire more salaried employees (which will cost the company a higher compensation package) than hourly employees since paid overtime does not seem to be a factor in their job satisfaction. The Z test and the T test both aim to find if there is a significant difference in the mean values of two samples. However, the Z test makes use of the populationââ¬â¢s variance and this value is almost never known thus, most researches use
Friday, October 18, 2019
Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World Essay
Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World - Essay Example The greatest concern of the major multiples, especially Tesco in regards to political activity, relates to the rulings of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission which can prevent supermarkets from establishing themselves in certain locations because of anti-competition legislation. Similarly, legislation relating to anti-competition activities, such as price fixing and cartel-like activity, can prompt investigation from the Government body known as the Office of Fair Trading (OFT 2011). However, such investigations on a national scale are relatively rare and the large supermarkets are seldom investigated for such activity. There is also a need to consider legislation and regulation, the UK food and retail sector is covered by numerous laws, codes of practice and regulations. One such regulator, Food Standards Agency, has a statutory right to protect the public the consumer in relation to food and drink such as correct labelling, food sell by dates, hygiene etc. There is also European legislation, General food law and Codex (Food Standards Agency 2012). ... K economy has been in and out of recession since 2008, interest rates have been reduced to historic lows to try and stimulate growth and minimize the rise in unemployment, which has risen sharply since 2009 (BBC 2012a). Although the UK food and retail market itself has remained relatively stable because people need food, there have been marked shifts in consumer spending habits as consumers cut back and ââ¬Å"trade downâ⬠from premium brands to supermarketsââ¬â¢ own branded labels, or even switch to cheaper rivals (Hall 2011). This is set against the context of rising raw material prices thanks to bad weather, the costs of which have been pushed onto the consumer. For example, according to the RPI (Poulter 2011), the average cost of a basket of ââ¬Å"staple goodsâ⬠has risen an average of 28% in real terms. It is also important to note this is closely linked to social issues such as changing consumer habits and a decline in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). In addition to these trends in the retail sector, considering performance of the sector over the past 40 years (See Figure 1), it is expected that there will be the lowest ever growth recorded for 2012 in UKââ¬â¢s retail sector history. The growth rate for 2012 is expected to remain 1.2 %, which is although higher than that of 2011ââ¬â¢s growth rate (0.9 %) (SAS 2011). Figure 1: UK Retail Sectorââ¬â¢s Growth Rates for Past 40 years (SAS 2011) Social For the UK food retail industry, it is fair to suggest that the recession and subsequent level of decreasing economic growth has caused consumers to become far more price conscious. They are demanding greater value for money and supermarkets are responding with aggressive price cuts and price wars in order to attract and retain customers (Wood 2011). As yet it is too early to determine
Preliminary Investigations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Preliminary Investigations - Assignment Example His arrest however, provides a good platform in assessing the preliminary protocols in the U.S criminal justice system. The first consideration relates to the facts behind Johnsonââ¬â¢s arrest that according to the charges that the ABC officers relied on. The incident leading to the arrest of Johnson started when he was denied entry into a bar the day that marked St. Patrickââ¬â¢s celebrations (Yarn and Ford,à 2015). Johnson, currently aged twenty years falls under the U.ââ¬â¢S legal drinking age of twenty one years that is equally upheld in the state of Virginia. The National Minim Drinking Age Act of 1984 sets the drinking standards within the U.S as for individuals above the age of twenty-one years through either public possession or purchase. The allegations against Johnson indicate that during his time of arrest, he was intoxicated and equally resisted arrest. The arrest of Johnson falls under two counts, first, he contravenes the 1984 Act of minimum age drinking and secondly, he obstructs justice. The second aspect under consideration relates to the actions taken by the investigating officers where Johnson was taken to custody for further questioning and assessment as to his level of intoxication (Yarn and Ford,à 2015). Further actions relates to inquiring information from both the offender and the bar operators where the incident begun once Johnson was held back. From the information provided, those who turned Johnson back argue on the basis of his age while Johnson through his attorney present a different story. After the investigations, the requirement of every suspect is to adhere to the next step in the criminal justice system. Failure of sufficient evidence linking the suspect with the crimes may cause a stop to the case. Consequently, the suspect may be detained where he fails to adhere to the requirements of the criminal justice
Performance Measurement to Performance Management Essay
Performance Measurement to Performance Management - Essay Example When performance is at par or even better than standards previously set, then the business' financial condition also improves. Budgets are either increased or decreased in support of better organizational survival, Since there are usually many competitors around. When performance measured passes the standards set, salary and other benefits are given for satisfactory performance. Management must have a meeting with the line and staff organization and the organization's goals, strategy, mission, vision, values and strategy to accomplish the goals, purpose of goal and standard setting must be implemented. The employees and stockholders are encouraged thru regular trainings/meetings that they are part of the success and failure of the entire organization. The performance measures give the employees the daily challenges to be conquered. Integration places standards where needed in accomplishing strategic business ventures. Integration also helps hasten change. When actual work is compared with performance, the difference or similarity of the actual against the standards set is compared and management makes the needed decisions for the further improvement of over-all activity. 2.1 Performance Measurement - Measuring performance quantitatively tell us whether our goods, services done by employees have increased or decreased or even remained the same. They help management decide on ways and means to improve performance of some products which have not performed according to pre - set goals. Measurement performance can tell whether the following criteria are in order: a) We are doing as pre- expected b) If customers like our product/service and come back. c) If manufacturing processes are controlled. d) Adjustments can be made to improve present performance. Performance measurement provides us with the needed details to make intelligent decisions. Performance is usually done by taking done the number of units and unit price of goods sold or cost of goods bought. The products could be listed as 1,000.,000 units of product sold at $5.00 each. The actual units sold or produced by the manufacturing department are then compared with pre-determined standard or goals which was agreed upon. Usually the standards or goals are agreed upon between all departments involved. A too high standard may cause some discouragement with the employees. A too low standard may sometimes cause idleness. Units of measurement could be hours, meters, nanoseconds, dollars, reports, number of errors, length of time spend or to be spent These the usual basic of measurement Sometimes, other units of measurement are used. The unit of measurement could be miles per gallon ( for analyzing daily gasoline expenses ), fire accidents in a year ( oganization' s safety program) , number of units produced per day ( sales analysis). This sounds better than the unit of measurement in the prior paragraph. What is important is that the unit of measurement used should be the one to show variances between actual and standard performance Some categories of performance evaluation are enumerated below: 1) Effectiveness - Simply put, actual performance meets the goal set. ( Doingthe job the right way.) 2) Efficiency - Doing the job required at the least possible cost. ( Doing thingsthe right way.) 3) Quality - Products sold or services given meets
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Maritime security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Maritime security - Coursework Example The Navy has been maintaining the maritime security until recently when their activities are being downsized by the introduction of Private Maritime Organizations. Factors such as reduced spending on the military by armed forces in developed nations, availability of fewer people to enlist and smaller forces available for counter-piracy. In addition, increased use of military robots (UUVs, UAVs, USvs), concentrated in the Asia Pacific region and increased reliance on private maritime security companies to defend themselves will reduce the role and capabilities of the military in the future (Klein 2011, p. 23). The insecurities in the marine have increased in this current century more than the other centuries because of the technological advancement. Hijackers have advanced the weapons that they used to improve their piracy works. The Private maritime operations were seen to adapt quickly to having modern weapons to fight the terrorists and the pirates. It is one of the reasons as to why it has attracted many employers along the coast. For example, the West Africa region has suffered theft, and it has increased since 1990s. The hijacking of cargo is intense in the Bight of Benin in Lagos, Ivory Coast, and Gabon. The hijackers are usually targeting the ships that have petroleum goods and sell the stolen petroleum products at low prices. Kidnapping activities are intense to the South of the Niger Delta Region, in Bight of Bonny. Maritime security operations should be put in place so that the West region can be transporting the petroleum safely to the market. Nigeriaââ¬â¢s economy depends on the oil sales (Klein 2011, p. 24). Therefore, there is much need to enhance security in the marine area to ensure safety and to reduce casualties in case is of an attack. Today, the PMOs are at the forefrontofgiving security to the navigators and to
Prediction of Coastal Wave Breaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Prediction of Coastal Wave Breaking - Essay Example However the magnitude of such waves may be unequal. In the process, the energy from the wind is transferred to the wave and this is then carried on to great distances. In this process, a waver undergoes many transitions in its energy and characteristics when it interferes with other waves. The energy of such a wave might then increase or decrease when such interferences occur. In this phenomenon of energy transfer, the water molecules itself do not physically move with the wave but rather pass on the energy in the direction of the wave by just moving up and down. Creation of waves is a continuous process and therefore small and large waves can be seen almost continuously to be moving towards the shore. Such waves are created at any location in oceans irrespective to its relative location with the land mass however differential temperature play an important role in governing where shall the wind blow from and eventually plays a vital role in generation of waves. The temperatures of oceans also differ from each other and the kind of waves that can be seen in one differs much from the other. When the wave approaches landmass and as the sea floor begins to rise, the wave gradually changes its shape. Its physical form gets transformed and edge waves are generated by this interaction. When a swell reaches the coastline it also comes nearer to the sea floor which offers friction and results in eventually slowing down of the wave. The wave loses some part of its energy with this contact. With this retardation in speed, the period of the wave is shortened and thus the wave height increases and this creates more visible and turbulent crests in a wave. This phenomenon of slowing down of waves is called shoaling. The manner in which this happens is largely dependent upon the nature of the sea floor; especially it's gradient. This process of shoaling ultimately results into a situation where the top of the wave attains a considerable height and the forward movement of the upper part overtakes the wave and begins to spill foreword. This results into the disintegration of the wave formation and thus resulting into what is called a 'wave break'. This breaking of wave is dependent on many different factors such as the type of swell, the direction and intensity of wind, slope of sea bed and sea floor features like physical objects, vegetation etc. The factor of wind is the most vital in understanding and prediction how the wave shall break in what time of the day. When the offshore wind is blowing from the land side to the seaside, it prolongs the time that a wave takes to break. The wind blows to act against the top part of the wave and thus provides it a support. Therefore the wave takes longer time to break in comparison to what it would have taken in the absence of wind. In this case the wave creates more powerful break when it is achieved. The onshore wind that flows from sea side to the landside acts in the opposite manner to the phenomenon explained in the offshore winds and therefore it lessens the time that a wave needs to break by pushing the upper part of the wave. In a way, it aids the water to break even before it reaches the desired amount of rise so as to cause its naturally swelling. In this phenomenon it can be seen that many times the waves break before teaching the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Maritime security Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Maritime security - Coursework Example The Navy has been maintaining the maritime security until recently when their activities are being downsized by the introduction of Private Maritime Organizations. Factors such as reduced spending on the military by armed forces in developed nations, availability of fewer people to enlist and smaller forces available for counter-piracy. In addition, increased use of military robots (UUVs, UAVs, USvs), concentrated in the Asia Pacific region and increased reliance on private maritime security companies to defend themselves will reduce the role and capabilities of the military in the future (Klein 2011, p. 23). The insecurities in the marine have increased in this current century more than the other centuries because of the technological advancement. Hijackers have advanced the weapons that they used to improve their piracy works. The Private maritime operations were seen to adapt quickly to having modern weapons to fight the terrorists and the pirates. It is one of the reasons as to why it has attracted many employers along the coast. For example, the West Africa region has suffered theft, and it has increased since 1990s. The hijacking of cargo is intense in the Bight of Benin in Lagos, Ivory Coast, and Gabon. The hijackers are usually targeting the ships that have petroleum goods and sell the stolen petroleum products at low prices. Kidnapping activities are intense to the South of the Niger Delta Region, in Bight of Bonny. Maritime security operations should be put in place so that the West region can be transporting the petroleum safely to the market. Nigeriaââ¬â¢s economy depends on the oil sales (Klein 2011, p. 24). Therefore, there is much need to enhance security in the marine area to ensure safety and to reduce casualties in case is of an attack. Today, the PMOs are at the forefrontofgiving security to the navigators and to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
E-Government in Iraq Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
E-Government in Iraq - Research Proposal Example The main research questions have been depicted hereunder. What is the importance of e-government in Iraq? What are the advantages and drawbacks that face by Iraq through adopting as well as implementing e-government initiative? What are the lessons for Iraq from leading countries on the way of information society? 3. Summary and Outline of the Topic The rapid development of the ICT can be considered as one of the imperative aspects for the countries to build an efficient working environment that can enable their respective government to address various needs and desires of the citizens. With this regard, the implementation of e-government tool is regarded as one of the major potentials that enable the government of various nations to improve and modernise the existing performance of the governmental institutions (Rokhman, 2011). The increasing extent of e-government in the global countries ensures enhancing the quality of life of the citizens for the purpose of assuring greater conve nience to avail various governmental supports. Due to increased level of globalisation, market competition and internationalisation, the governmental institutions tend to foster e-government process in order to boost their efficiency as well as integrate workers, partners and citizens in an effective manner (Wong & et. al., 2011). The broad execution of e-government in the governmental processes involve various ICT tools in order to provide services to the citizens, businesses, workers as well as other non-governmental institutions. Moreover, fostering an effective association with the government as well as the citizens can be considered as one of the major roles of e-government. Therefore, the scope of e-government involves broad assortment of functions to address the needs... The rationale for conducting this research proposal can be understood with reference to the fact that the implementation of e-government is highly important for Iraq to effectively organise and manage broad array of activities that are performed by different governmental institutions of the country. The idea of e-government can provide the country with effective support towards enhancing business or operational performances of the institutions from different disciplines including education, business, military and finance among others. With this regard, it can be stated that the specific aims of the proposed study will be beneficial for Iraq to involve e-government The paper makes a conclusion that the rapid development of the ICT can be considered as one of the imperative aspects for the countries to build an efficient working environment that can enable their respective government to address various needs and desires of the citizens. With this regard, the implementation of e-government tool is regarded as one of the major potentials that enable the government of various nations to improve and modernise the existing performance of the governmental institutions. The increasing extent of e-government in the global countries ensures enhancing the quality of life of the citizens for the purpose of assuring greater convenience to avail various governmental supports. The research concerning the effect of e-government in Iraq can be influenced by certain ethical concerns due to its qualitative nature.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Wireless Lan Applications Areas Computer Science Essay
Wireless Lan Applications Areas Computer Science Essay G. Marconi invented the wireless telegraph in 1896. In 1901, he sent telegraphic signals across the Atlantic Ocean from Cornwall to St. Johns Newfoundland; a distance of 1800 miles. His invention allowed two parties to communicate by sending each other alphanumeric characters encoded in an analog signal. Over the last century, advances in wireless technologies have led to the radio, the television, the mobile telephone, and communication satellites. All types of information can now be sent to almost every corner of the world. Recently, a good attention has been focused on wireless networking. Early wireless LAN products, introduced in the late 1980s, were marketed as substitutes for traditional wired LANs. Wireless networking is allowing businesses to develop WANs, MANs, and LANs without cabling. A wireless LAN saves the cost of the installation of LAN cabling and eases the task of relocation and other modifications to network structure. The IEEE has developed 802.11 as a standard for wireless LANs. The Bluetooth industry consortium is also working to provide a seamless wireless networking technology. The impact of wireless communications has been and will continue to be profound. Very few inventions have been able to shrink the world in such a manner. The standards that define how wireless communication devices interact are quickly converging and soon will allow the creation of a global wireless network that will deliver a wide variety of services. 1.2 Over view As the name suggests, a wireless LAN is one that makes use of a wireless transmission medium. Until recently, wireless LANs were little used. The reasons for this included high prices, data rates, occupational safety concerns, and licensing requirements. As these problems have been now addressed, the popularity of wireless LANs has grown rapidly. 1.3 Wireless LAN Applications Areas: There are four application areas for wireless LANs: LAN extension, Cross- building interconnect, Nomadic access and Ad hoc networks. LAN Extension The motivation for wireless LANs was overtaken by events. First, as awareness of the need for LANs became greater, architects designed new buildings to include extensive pre wiring for data applications. Second, with advances in data transmission technology, there is an increasing reliance on twisted pair cabling for LANs and in particular, Category3 and Category 5 unshielded twisted pair. However, in some environments, there is a role for the wireless LAN as an alternative to a wired LAN. Examples include buildings with large open areas. In most of these cases, an organization will also have a wired LAN to support servers and some stationary workstations. Thus, this application area is referred to as LAN extension. There is a backbone wired LAN, such as Ethernet, that supports servers, workstations, and one or more bridges or routers to link with other networks. In addition, there is a Control Module (CM) that acts as an interface to a wireless LAN. The control module includes either bridge or router functionality to link the wireless LAN to the backbone. It includes some sort of access control logic, such as a polling or token-passing scheme, to regulate the access from the end systems. Cross- Building Interconnect Another use of wireless LAN technology is to connect LANs in nearby buildings, be they wired or wireless LANs. In this case, a point-to-point wireless link is used between two buildings. The devices so connected are typically bridges or routers. This single point-to-point link is not a LAN per se, but it is usual to include this application under the heading of wireless LAN. Nomadic Access Nomadic access provides a wireless link between a LAN hub and mobile data terminal equipped with an antenna, such as a laptop computer or notepad computer. Nomadic access is also useful in an extended environment such as a campus or a business operating out of a cluster of buildings. Ad Hoc Networking An ad hoc network is a peer-to-peer network (no centralized server) set up temporarily to meet some immediate need. For example, a group of employees, each with a laptop or palmtop computer may convene in a conference room for a business or classroom meeting. The employees link their computers in a temporary network just for the duration of the meeting. There are differences between a wireless LAN that supports LAN extension and nomadic access requirements and an ad hoc wireless LAN. In the former case, the wireless LAN forms a stationary infrastructure consisting of one or more cells with a control module for each cell. Within a cell, there may be a number of stationary end systems. Nomadic stations can move from one cell to another. In contrast, there is no infrastructure for an ad hoc network. Rather, a peer collection of stations within range of each other may dynamically configure themselves into a temporary network. Fig 1.1 Wireless LAN Configurations 1.4 Wireless LAN Requirements A wireless LAN must meet the same sort of requirements typical of any LAN, including high capacity, ability to cover short distances, full connectivity among attached stations, and broadcast capability. In addition, there are a number of requirements specific to the wireless LAN environment. The following are among the most important requirements for wireless LANs. Throughput: The medium access control protocol should make as efficient use as possible of the wireless medium to maximize capacity. Number of nodes: Wireless LANs may need to support hundreds of nodes across multiple cells. Connection to backbone LAN: In most cases, interconnection with stations on a wired backbone LAN is required. For infrastructure wireless LANs, this is easily accomplished through the use of control modules that connect to both types of LANs. There may also need to be accommodation for mobile users and ad hoc wireless networks. Service area: A typical coverage area for a wireless LAN has a diameter of 100 to 300m. Battery power consumption: Mobile workers use battery-powered workstations that need to have a long battery life when used with wireless adapters. This suggests that a MAC protocol that requires mobile nodes to monitor access points constantly or engage in frequent handshakes with a base station is inappropriate. Typical wireless LAN implementations have features to reduce power consumption while not using the network, such as a sleep mode. Transmission robustness and security: Unless properly designed, a wireless LAN may be interference prone and easily eavesdropped. The design of a wireless LAN must permit reliable transmission even in a noisy environment and should provide some level of security from eavesdropping. Collocated network operation: As Wireless LANs become more popular, it is quite likely for two or more wireless LANs to operate in the same area or in some area where interference between the LANs is possible. Such interferee may thwart the normal operation of a MAC algorithm and may allow unauthorized access to a particular LAN. License-free operation: Users would prefer to buy and operate wireless LAN products without having to secure a license for the frequency band used by the LAN. Handoff/roaming: The MAC protocol used in the wireless LAN should enable mobile stations to move from one cell to another. Dynamic configuration: The MAC addressing and network management aspects of the LAN should permit dynamic and automated addition, deletion, and relocation of end systems without disruption to other users. 1.5 The Trouble with Wireless Wireless is convenient and often less expensive to deploy than fixed services, but wireless is not perfect. There are limitations, political and technical difficulties that may ultimately prevent wireless technologies from reaching the other side with full potential. Two limiting issues are incompatible standards and device limitations. Device limitations also restrict the free flow of data. The small LCD on a mobile telephone is inadequate for displaying more than a few lines of text. In additions, most mobile wireless devices cannot access the vast majority of WWW sites on the Internet. The browsers use a special language, wireless markup language (WML), instead of the de facto standard HTML. Most likely, no one wireless device will be able to meet every need. The potential of wireless can be met but not with a single product. Wireless will succeed because it will be integrated into a variety of devices that can meet a variety of needs. 1.6 Fading in the Mobile Environment Perhaps the most challenging technical problem being faced by communication systems engineers is fading in a mobile environment. The term fading refers to the time variation of received signal power caused by changes in the transmission medium or path(s). In a fixed environment, fading is affected by changes in atmospheric conditions, such as rainfall. But in a mobile environment, where one of the two antennae is moving relative to the other, the relative location of various obstacles changes over time, creating complex transmission effects. 1.6.1 Types of Fading Fading effects in a mobile environment can be classified as either fast or slow. Referring to Fig 1.2, as the mobile unit moves down a street in an urban environment, rapid variations in signal strength occur over distances of about one-half a wavelength. The rapidly changing waveform is an example of the spatial variation of received signal amplitude. The changes of amplitude can be as much as 20 or 30 dB over a short distance. This type of rapidly changing fading phenomenon, known as fat fading, affects not only mobile devices in automobiles, but even a mobile phone user walking down an urban street. As the mobile user covers distances well in excess of a wavelength, the urban environment changes, as the user passes buildings of different heights, vacant lots, intersections, and so forth. Over these longer distances, there is a change in the average received power level about which the rapid fluctuations occur. This is referred to as slow fading. Lamp Post B D C A Fig 1.2 Mobile unit signal reflections Fading channel models are often used to model the effects of electromagnetic transmission of information over the air in cellular networks and broadcast communication. Fading channel models are also used in underwater acoustic communications to model the distortion caused by the water. Mathematically, fading is usually modeled as a time-varying random change in the amplitude and phase of the transmitted signal. 1.6.2 Slow vs. Fast Fading The terms slow and fast fading refer to the rate at which the magnitude and phase change imposed by the channel on the signal changes. The coherence time is a measure of the minimum time required for the magnitude change of the channel to become decorrelated from its previous value. Slow fading arises when the coherence time of the channel is large relative to the delay constraint of the channel. In this regime, the amplitude and phase change imposed by the channel can be considered roughly constant over the period of use. Slow fading can be caused by events such as shadowing, where a large obstruction such as a hill or large building obstructs the main signal path between the transmitter and the receiver. The amplitude change caused by shadowing is often modeled using a log-normal distribution with a standard deviation according to the Log Distance Path Loss Model. Fast Fading occurs when the coherence time of the channel is small relative to the delay constraint of the channel. In this regime, the amplitude and phase change imposed by the channel varies considerably over the period of use. In a fast-fading channel, the transmitter may take advantage of the variations in the channel conditions using time diversity to help increase robustness of the communication to a temporary deep fade. Although a deep fade may temporarily erase some of the information transmitted, use of an error-correcting code coupled with successfully transmitted bits during other time instances (interleaving) can allow for the erased bits to be recovered. In a slow-fading channel, it is not possible to use time diversity because the transmitter sees only a single realization of the channel within its delay constraint. A deep fade therefore lasts the entire duration of transmission and cannot be mitigated using coding. Flat vs. Frequency-selective Fading As the carrier frequency of a signal is varied, the magnitude of the change in amplitude will vary. The coherence bandwidth measures the minimum separation in frequency after which two signals will experience uncorrelated fading. In flat fading, the coherence bandwidth of the channel is larger than the bandwidth of the signal. Therefore, all frequency components of the signal will experience the same magnitude of fading. In frequency-selective fading, the coherence bandwidth of the channel is smaller than the bandwidth of the signal. Different frequency components of the signal therefore experience decorrelated fading. In a frequency-selective fading channel, since different frequency components of the signal are affected independently, it is highly unlikely that all parts of the signal will be simultaneously affected by a deep fade. Certain modulation schemes such as OFDM and CDMA are well-suited to employ frequency diversity to provide robustness to fading. OFDM divides the wideband signal into many slowly modulated narrowband subcarriers, each exposed to flat fading rather than frequency selective fading. This can be combated by means of error coding, simple equalization or adaptive bit loading. Inter-symbol interference is avoided by introducing a guard interval between the symbols. CDMA uses the Rake receiver to deal with each echo separately. Frequency-selective fading channels are also dispersive, in that the signal energy associated with each symbol is spread out in time. This causes transmitted symbols that are adjacent in time to interfere with each other. Equalizers are often deployed in such channels to compensate for the effects of the inter symbol interference. Fading effects can also be classified as flat or selective. Flat fading, or nonselective fading, is that type of fading in which all frequency components of the received signal fluctuate in the same proportions simultaneously. Selective fading affects unequally the different spectral components of a radio signal. The term selective fading is usually significant only relative to the bandwidth of the overall communications channel. If attenuation occurs over a portion of the bandwidth of the signal, the fading is considered to be selective; nonselective fading implies that the signal bandwidth of interest is narrower than, and completely covered by, the spectrum affected by the fading.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Urinary Fluid Electrolytes Essay -- Health, Hearth Disease
A 60 years old man was admitted into the hospital with congestive heart failure and a history of heart disease. Heart failure lead to this patients potentially fatal diagnosis of pulmonary and peripheral edema. The heart actively works as a double pump meaning that each side could independently fail. When the heart starts to fail, a reduced renal perfusion and sympathetic activation to the kidneys stimulate the release of renin. Renin will cleave on to angiotensinogen to create angiotensin I. Angiotensin I then travels through the lungs where the enzyme ACE cleaves off two amino acids to form angiotensin II. Angiotensin II stimulates the release of the hormone aldosterone will increase the renal reabsorption of sodium and water. The increased volume can be deleterious leading to pulmonary and peripheral edema (Klabunde, PhD. 2007). When the left side of the heart fails pulmonary edema occurs. As the heart fails, the blood vessels become engorged with blood and pressure increases in the lung capillaries pushing fluid into the alveoli and lung tissue. As a result oxygen is unable to move as it typically would, causing a shortness in breath (Heller MD, 2009). If this was left untreated the patient may suffocate. The patient is also suffering from peripheral edema this is usually due to the right side of the heart failing. Once the right side of the heart fails, it can no longer effectively pump oxygenated blood through the capillaries. Blood then begins to stagnate in the bodies organs and fluid gets pushed into interstitial tissue (Marieb, 2010). Swelling generally occurs in the lower extremities and can cause permanent nerve damage if untreated. The patient was administered a potent loop diuretic to treat his edema, furosemide... ...opment of hepatic encephalopathy to worsen (Seifter, 2007). Hyperaldosteronism has also been associated with hypokalemia leading to renal cystic disease. Cysts begin to appear in the collecting duct epithelium leading to interstitial fibrosis. The cause of these cysts are unknown however ammoniagenesis seems play a role (Seifter, 2007). Furthermore, increased urination or polyuria is another complication. Increased thirst from the increase of angiotensin II also acts on the thirst center in the hypothalamus (Crumley, 2009). This is a mild form of diabetes insipidus. In conclusion, loop diuretics should be used with extreme caution when treating patients with congestive heart failure. Electrolytes test should be run frequently while on this medication. If this patient wouldnââ¬â¢t have come in his conditions could have worsened resulting in a life threatening situation.
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